Operations on word vectors

Welcome to your first assignment of this week!

Because word embeddings are very computationally expensive to train, most ML practitioners will load a pre-trained set of embeddings.

After this assignment you will be able to:


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Let's get started! Run the following cell to load the packages you will need.

Load the word vectors

You've loaded:

Embedding vectors versus one-hot vectors

1 - Cosine similarity

To measure the similarity between two words, we need a way to measure the degree of similarity between two embedding vectors for the two words. Given two vectors $u$ and $v$, cosine similarity is defined as follows:

$$\text{CosineSimilarity(u, v)} = \frac {u \cdot v} {||u||_2 ||v||_2} = cos(\theta) \tag{1}$$

**Figure 1**: The cosine of the angle between two vectors is a measure their similarity

Exercise: Implement the function cosine_similarity() to evaluate the similarity between word vectors.

Reminder: The norm of $u$ is defined as $ ||u||_2 = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} u_i^2}$

Additional Hints

Expected Output:

**cosine_similarity(father, mother)** = 0.890903844289
**cosine_similarity(ball, crocodile)** = 0.274392462614
**cosine_similarity(france - paris, rome - italy)** = -0.675147930817

Try different words!

2 - Word analogy task

Exercise: Complete the code below to be able to perform word analogies!

Run the cell below to test your code, this may take 1-2 minutes.

Expected Output:

**italy -> italian** :: spain -> spanish
**india -> delhi** :: japan -> tokyo
**man -> woman ** :: boy -> girl
**small -> smaller ** :: large -> larger


You've come to the end of the graded portion of the assignment. Here are the main points you should remember:

Congratulations on finishing the graded portions of this notebook!

3 - Debiasing word vectors (OPTIONAL/UNGRADED)

In the following exercise, you will examine gender biases that can be reflected in a word embedding, and explore algorithms for reducing the bias. In addition to learning about the topic of debiasing, this exercise will also help hone your intuition about what word vectors are doing. This section involves a bit of linear algebra, though you can probably complete it even without being an expert in linear algebra, and we encourage you to give it a shot. This portion of the notebook is optional and is not graded.

Lets first see how the GloVe word embeddings relate to gender. You will first compute a vector $g = e_{woman}-e_{man}$, where $e_{woman}$ represents the word vector corresponding to the word woman, and $e_{man}$ corresponds to the word vector corresponding to the word man. The resulting vector $g$ roughly encodes the concept of "gender". (You might get a more accurate representation if you compute $g_1 = e_{mother}-e_{father}$, $g_2 = e_{girl}-e_{boy}$, etc. and average over them. But just using $e_{woman}-e_{man}$ will give good enough results for now.)

Now, you will consider the cosine similarity of different words with $g$. Consider what a positive value of similarity means vs a negative cosine similarity.

As you can see, female first names tend to have a positive cosine similarity with our constructed vector $g$, while male first names tend to have a negative cosine similarity. This is not surprising, and the result seems acceptable.

But let's try with some other words.

Do you notice anything surprising? It is astonishing how these results reflect certain unhealthy gender stereotypes. For example, "computer" is closer to "man" while "literature" is closer to "woman". Ouch!

We'll see below how to reduce the bias of these vectors, using an algorithm due to Boliukbasi et al., 2016. Note that some word pairs such as "actor"/"actress" or "grandmother"/"grandfather" should remain gender specific, while other words such as "receptionist" or "technology" should be neutralized, i.e. not be gender-related. You will have to treat these two types of words differently when debiasing.

3.1 - Neutralize bias for non-gender specific words

The figure below should help you visualize what neutralizing does. If you're using a 50-dimensional word embedding, the 50 dimensional space can be split into two parts: The bias-direction $g$, and the remaining 49 dimensions, which we'll call $g_{\perp}$. In linear algebra, we say that the 49 dimensional $g_{\perp}$ is perpendicular (or "orthogonal") to $g$, meaning it is at 90 degrees to $g$. The neutralization step takes a vector such as $e_{receptionist}$ and zeros out the component in the direction of $g$, giving us $e_{receptionist}^{debiased}$.

Even though $g_{\perp}$ is 49 dimensional, given the limitations of what we can draw on a 2D screen, we illustrate it using a 1 dimensional axis below.

**Figure 2**: The word vector for "receptionist" represented before and after applying the neutralize operation.

Exercise: Implement neutralize() to remove the bias of words such as "receptionist" or "scientist". Given an input embedding $e$, you can use the following formulas to compute $e^{debiased}$:

$$e^{bias\_component} = \frac{e \cdot g}{||g||_2^2} * g\tag{2}$$$$e^{debiased} = e - e^{bias\_component}\tag{3}$$

If you are an expert in linear algebra, you may recognize $e^{bias\_component}$ as the projection of $e$ onto the direction $g$. If you're not an expert in linear algebra, don't worry about this.

Expected Output: The second result is essentially 0, up to numerical rounding (on the order of $10^{-17}$).

**cosine similarity between receptionist and g, before neutralizing:** : 0.330779417506
**cosine similarity between receptionist and g, after neutralizing:** : -3.26732746085e-17

3.2 - Equalization algorithm for gender-specific words

Next, lets see how debiasing can also be applied to word pairs such as "actress" and "actor." Equalization is applied to pairs of words that you might want to have differ only through the gender property. As a concrete example, suppose that "actress" is closer to "babysit" than "actor." By applying neutralizing to "babysit" we can reduce the gender-stereotype associated with babysitting. But this still does not guarantee that "actor" and "actress" are equidistant from "babysit." The equalization algorithm takes care of this.

The key idea behind equalization is to make sure that a particular pair of words are equi-distant from the 49-dimensional $g_\perp$. The equalization step also ensures that the two equalized steps are now the same distance from $e_{receptionist}^{debiased}$, or from any other work that has been neutralized. In pictures, this is how equalization works:

The derivation of the linear algebra to do this is a bit more complex. (See Bolukbasi et al., 2016 for details.) But the key equations are:

$$ \mu = \frac{e_{w1} + e_{w2}}{2}\tag{4}$$

$$ \mu_{B} = \frac {\mu \cdot \text{bias_axis}}{||\text{bias_axis}||_2^2} *\text{bias_axis} \tag{5}$$

$$\mu_{\perp} = \mu - \mu_{B} \tag{6}$$$$ e_{w1B} = \frac {e_{w1} \cdot \text{bias_axis}}{||\text{bias_axis}||_2^2} *\text{bias_axis} \tag{7}$$

$$ e_{w2B} = \frac {e_{w2} \cdot \text{bias_axis}}{||\text{bias_axis}||_2^2} *\text{bias_axis} \tag{8}$$

$$e_{w1B}^{corrected} = \sqrt{ |{1 - ||\mu_{\perp} ||^2_2} |} * \frac{e_{\text{w1B}} - \mu_B} {||(e_{w1} - \mu_{\perp}) - \mu_B||} \tag{9}$$$$e_{w2B}^{corrected} = \sqrt{ |{1 - ||\mu_{\perp} ||^2_2} |} * \frac{e_{\text{w2B}} - \mu_B} {||(e_{w2} - \mu_{\perp}) - \mu_B||} \tag{10}$$$$e_1 = e_{w1B}^{corrected} + \mu_{\perp} \tag{11}$$$$e_2 = e_{w2B}^{corrected} + \mu_{\perp} \tag{12}$$

Exercise: Implement the function below. Use the equations above to get the final equalized version of the pair of words. Good luck!

Expected Output:

cosine similarities before equalizing:

**cosine_similarity(word_to_vec_map["man"], gender)** = -0.117110957653
**cosine_similarity(word_to_vec_map["woman"], gender)** = 0.356666188463

cosine similarities after equalizing:

**cosine_similarity(u1, gender)** = -0.700436428931
**cosine_similarity(u2, gender)** = 0.700436428931

Please feel free to play with the input words in the cell above, to apply equalization to other pairs of words.

These debiasing algorithms are very helpful for reducing bias, but are not perfect and do not eliminate all traces of bias. For example, one weakness of this implementation was that the bias direction $g$ was defined using only the pair of words woman and man. As discussed earlier, if $g$ were defined by computing $g_1 = e_{woman} - e_{man}$; $g_2 = e_{mother} - e_{father}$; $g_3 = e_{girl} - e_{boy}$; and so on and averaging over them, you would obtain a better estimate of the "gender" dimension in the 50 dimensional word embedding space. Feel free to play with such variants as well.


You have come to the end of this notebook, and have seen a lot of the ways that word vectors can be used as well as modified.

Congratulations on finishing this notebook!
